Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Assistance Please
For several years I have been following a blog titled, "Just Too Jazzed To Sleep". The creator of this blog, Ashley, has been battling ovarian cancer for many years. Unfortunately due to my lack of organization, I have not been on my blog much lately. I am wondering if any of you know what happened to Ashley's blog? When I went to visit her site, it was no longer there. I'm afraid I may have been away from blogging too long that something may have happened to her or she may have had a change in blogs. If someone can fill me in, I would greatly appreciate it. Ashley has been on my mind since earlier this evening when I finally checked my blogroll!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Magic Mike, I Want My $12 Back!!
This afternoon mom and I braved the 107 degree heat by entertaining ourselves at the local cinema. We saw Magic Mike. Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey. Well, they looked great. Channing Tatum was simply yummy.... Keep in mind I do not, NOT enjoy male strip shows. They embarrass me terribly. So why on earth did I think this would be a good movie. Maybe because I saw the word comedy written out to the side some where. I figured with Matthew it had to be funny for sure. Wrong, I was wrong. No storyline, well, I guess there was, but not much of one. I just want my $12 back.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
No Rest for the Wicked
Today was Monday, again...just like Groundhogs Day with Bill Murray. I certainly hope tomorrow is not another Monday. There is that feeling of impending Monday for tomorrow as well. The good news is, it didn't kill me. The bad news is I have one of those headaches I have not had in ages. The kind that clusters in one spot at the top of my neck and ever so dull-like, creeps to the top of my head. If I were a drinkin' women, this would be a fantastic night.
To top it all off, we continue getting calls for a woman with the same name as me. I want to scratch her boobs off. She makes my life miserable. I've brought up to my husband that I would like to change my last name back to my maiden name. He doesn't answer. This has been going on for at least 5 years. Her name is in the papers all the time. I've had hospitals, bill collectors, and Lord only knows who else, call me demanding my time, money and too many explanations to share. It's my understanding she divorced her husband but continued to keep his last name. I sometimes wonder if she did that to hide behind it. I pray she doesn't have children who could possibly learn from mom's criminal activities.
Enough complaints. I usually love Tuesdays! Maybe next Tuesday will be a better one!
To top it all off, we continue getting calls for a woman with the same name as me. I want to scratch her boobs off. She makes my life miserable. I've brought up to my husband that I would like to change my last name back to my maiden name. He doesn't answer. This has been going on for at least 5 years. Her name is in the papers all the time. I've had hospitals, bill collectors, and Lord only knows who else, call me demanding my time, money and too many explanations to share. It's my understanding she divorced her husband but continued to keep his last name. I sometimes wonder if she did that to hide behind it. I pray she doesn't have children who could possibly learn from mom's criminal activities.
Enough complaints. I usually love Tuesdays! Maybe next Tuesday will be a better one!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I just posted on Facebook that I wish I could do this day over to make changes to friends who are just having a difficult time. As soon as I got to work this morning, I found out a friend I used to car-pool with, lost her son last night. His room-mate found him and could not wake him. He had passed away in his sleep. He was only 29. There is no possible way I can even begin to imagine how she feels. I keep replaying this news in my mind...wondering how Diana's life will be forever changed. I woke up feeling pretty good today. I can't complain. Normally when I'm feeling blue, something like this happens. It makes me of news makes me more appreciative. The sad thing is, it takes something like this to make me feel better about my situation maybe that's normal. But, it makes me feel selfish. In my opinion, one of the hardest things to do in life, is to NOT take life for granted, people for granted, or situations for granted. Why can't life be easier? Why can't life have a pause button? Why can't I ask why and get answers? Life is a gift. It truly is. Just take a minute to love and appreciate everything you can.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Donna Summer
Today at lunch time I check my Facebook page via my phone. I see a post from my cousin Julie saying, "RIP Donna Summer". Immediately I say to myself , "no way." "No way," she couldn't have passed aways. I mean she's only in her 30s right? I have my favorite Donna Summer song, "Dim All the Lights" downloaded on my Ipod. I listen to it quite often when I walk. Every time that song plays, I wish I could sing like her. One of the queens of disco. I believe I was in the 4th grade when I first heard her. She's one of the reasons why I love disco so much. Rest in Peace Donna. Rest in Peace.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I wish I wasn't addicted to one of the most shallow shows on television. The Real Housewives of Orange County is like viewing a horrendous train wreck that I cannot keep my eyes away from. During a winter storm in 2007, I watched a marathon when I couldn't make it to work. Gradually over the years, the show has gotten crazier, harder to believe, and even more shallow. Maybe it's the fact I cannot possibly believe that people actually live like this...maybe not...I know it has to be scripted...at least I hope so...
Maybe one of the reasons why I'm getting so perturbed at this show, is that there is a born and bred Missouri girl on there now. Not so sad that she is from Missouri, but terribly disappointed that others viewing this shallow show may think that Missouri girls are this self centered and...well...downright stupid. Having no right to judge, I try not to...I repeat...I try not to...
One of my favorite things is watching the wives faces. They do not move. So much Botox will do that to a face. The women have beautiful smiles, yet have expressionless faces. Watch this show, then flip the channel to TVland. Pay attention to the women from the 70s and 80s. Their faces literally move with emotion. It's almost refreshing.
We women of the current decade, do not have to age if we have enough money. Isn't that awesome? I guess..
I'm not proud of the fact I have age spots and dark circles, nor am I proud of the fact that I admit right here on my blog that I watch the most shallow show on television. But, I'm honest. Maybe it's a way I subconsciously make myself feel better about how I've turned out in life...maybe?
Maybe one of the reasons why I'm getting so perturbed at this show, is that there is a born and bred Missouri girl on there now. Not so sad that she is from Missouri, but terribly disappointed that others viewing this shallow show may think that Missouri girls are this self centered and...well...downright stupid. Having no right to judge, I try not to...I repeat...I try not to...
One of my favorite things is watching the wives faces. They do not move. So much Botox will do that to a face. The women have beautiful smiles, yet have expressionless faces. Watch this show, then flip the channel to TVland. Pay attention to the women from the 70s and 80s. Their faces literally move with emotion. It's almost refreshing.
We women of the current decade, do not have to age if we have enough money. Isn't that awesome? I guess..
I'm not proud of the fact I have age spots and dark circles, nor am I proud of the fact that I admit right here on my blog that I watch the most shallow show on television. But, I'm honest. Maybe it's a way I subconsciously make myself feel better about how I've turned out in life...maybe?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Am I Wrong?
So I'm back to writing this diary thing. Interestingly enough, I have 3 full paragraphs written about some observations today when all of a sudden, 2 of the paragraphs turn blue and delete themselves. Who does that happen??? I took that as a sign and deleted everything. It must be a way for the big guy upstairs to tell me, "don't go there." So I'll start something different. Since about 3:30pm today, I've been thinking about this baby shower we had at work for 2 young ladies expecting just weeks apart in June. The gifts were beautifully wrapped, the cake looked awesome (with two pairs of pink shoes on top), and several people came. Including some male staff, which pleasantly surprised me. A couple of different ladies took time to put this event together.
The girls were given their gifts by another co-worker who would hand each girl a gift to open and then wait until they were opened to hand them another one. Now it's been a while since I've gone to a baby shower. However, from what I remember, the recipient of the gifts would open the gift, ooo and ahhh a few times, tell everyone who gave them the nice gift and thank them. Then everyone else would ooo and ahhh too. This would be repeated throughout the shower. Not today...
Today the recipients opened their gifts, put them back in the sacks, open another gift, put it back in the sack, open another gift put it back in the sack, and open another gift and put it back in the sack. Get the picture? Some of us couldn't even see what they got because they speedy opening and closing of the gifts was so fast there was no time to sneak even a peak. I only heard one thank you. All I could think of was, "I wonder what grandma would think of this."
After the first two gifts were opened someone had the idea to get pen and paper so someone else could keep track of the gifts and who they were from. I felt bad for my friend sitting beside me. She was trying to keep tally. They opened so fast, I think she may have missed a few. I had a thought. These girls probably won't pen thank you notes anyway so why keep tabs.
I truly hate the way I felt coming out of that shower. Obviously people took time to create such a nice party for them. I'm not real sure it was appreciated. I hope so. Maybe I perceived all of this in the wrong way. It makes me wonder what kind of personalities these babies will have 15 years from now. Will they be taught to be nice? Will they be taught the effective way of pretending to be enthusiastic when someone does something wonderful for them even though they don't really feel that way?
It's official. I am getting old. I feel the pangs of wanting to say rude but truthful things like only the old people can do. Truthfully...I'm looking forward to it. So in the next few years when something like this takes place, I'm gonna walk out of the room and say, "whew so happy I didn't waste any more money on these people."
The girls were given their gifts by another co-worker who would hand each girl a gift to open and then wait until they were opened to hand them another one. Now it's been a while since I've gone to a baby shower. However, from what I remember, the recipient of the gifts would open the gift, ooo and ahhh a few times, tell everyone who gave them the nice gift and thank them. Then everyone else would ooo and ahhh too. This would be repeated throughout the shower. Not today...
Today the recipients opened their gifts, put them back in the sacks, open another gift, put it back in the sack, open another gift put it back in the sack, and open another gift and put it back in the sack. Get the picture? Some of us couldn't even see what they got because they speedy opening and closing of the gifts was so fast there was no time to sneak even a peak. I only heard one thank you. All I could think of was, "I wonder what grandma would think of this."
After the first two gifts were opened someone had the idea to get pen and paper so someone else could keep track of the gifts and who they were from. I felt bad for my friend sitting beside me. She was trying to keep tally. They opened so fast, I think she may have missed a few. I had a thought. These girls probably won't pen thank you notes anyway so why keep tabs.
I truly hate the way I felt coming out of that shower. Obviously people took time to create such a nice party for them. I'm not real sure it was appreciated. I hope so. Maybe I perceived all of this in the wrong way. It makes me wonder what kind of personalities these babies will have 15 years from now. Will they be taught to be nice? Will they be taught the effective way of pretending to be enthusiastic when someone does something wonderful for them even though they don't really feel that way?
It's official. I am getting old. I feel the pangs of wanting to say rude but truthful things like only the old people can do. Truthfully...I'm looking forward to it. So in the next few years when something like this takes place, I'm gonna walk out of the room and say, "whew so happy I didn't waste any more money on these people
Thursday, May 10, 2012
It's been a long while since I've visited my own blog. I'm just not into it lately. However, this week I've considered doing something different. Something more like an online diary. A place I can vent, chat and toot my own horn if I want to. It's been a week of Mondays and I just want to talk to someone to vent. I have no one. Maybe I should say, I have no one I can really trust. By trust I mean to keep quiet, to keep it between us, not to walk out of the room while I am talking, and I could probably go on. Sorry for this post. Well kinda. I just need to vent. So I will start with some trivial things.
When people, LOL do you honestly believe they are laughing out loud? I don't. Sometimes a smile is worth as much as a laugh.
When women hear themselves being described as big, we do not think in terms of tall. Big to us = fat. Nor do we like being called thick. That does not make things better. We know what we look like, so just leave it at that.
Is it really so hard to pick up a towel that has fallen on the floor. And has remained there for 5 days?
Why do people feel compelled to drive in the fast lane?
Our local Westlakes Hardware Store has one of the top two worst parking lots in our town. Every freakin old person, and every jacked up 4 wheel drive decided to be there at the same time on Saturday afternoon. I just stayed in my car, gripping my steering wheel in hopes of not getting hit.
My best friend described how "literal" her son is...I've never thought about that before. It sums up so many people. It makes so much sense.
Recently, I have met the most egotistical person I have ever met in my life. Every time I talk to him, I often wonder why I am so insecure. I think I'd rather be insecure...
I would love to take a nice vacation with my husband. he sees no reason to due anything but play golf. My ego loves this. I wonder why I'm insecure...
A dear friend of mine started a blog for one of her autistic students. It is one of the most captivating things I have ever read in my life. He's awesome!! He may even be the reason why I had a new desire to write again.
Facebook is a terrible place to socialize. Thoughts cannot be shared without someone unfriending another for having a different opinion. Also, chat should be just that. If you want to proposition someone, go to one of those special rooms. Asking me if I want to have bone jarring sex with you is NOT appropriate. And truthfully, there is a reason why you are single.
I want to go back to being 30 again. I promise I will make it great this time.
About a month ago I had a biopsy done on the nail matrix of my index finger on my right hand. I dread having an ugly fingernail. I dread maybe not having a fingernail on one side. This is Karma for hating my mother's big toenail my whole life. I have it coming...
My friend Heather and I had a discussion about baby strollers the other night. She described how she used to detest anyone with a baby stroller out and about. I told her I shared the same opinion. Nothing like going somewhere with tons of people and industrial size strollers are the obstacle course of the day. Then she said all that changed when she had her first baby. I laughed. Because if I had a baby, I know I'd be the same way. Even tonight when I went for my walk, I saw a woman loading her stroller. My exact thought was, "how much freakin crap do you need to take a walk?" Then I thought of Heather.
I've seen so many teenagers driving nicer cars than me. Really? Really.
I think I'd better stop here. I might be up all night.
I hope to be back soon. If I am, I may even change the name of my blog. Maybe to protect the innocent...
When people, LOL do you honestly believe they are laughing out loud? I don't. Sometimes a smile is worth as much as a laugh.
When women hear themselves being described as big, we do not think in terms of tall. Big to us = fat. Nor do we like being called thick. That does not make things better. We know what we look like, so just leave it at that.
Is it really so hard to pick up a towel that has fallen on the floor. And has remained there for 5 days?
Why do people feel compelled to drive in the fast lane?
Our local Westlakes Hardware Store has one of the top two worst parking lots in our town. Every freakin old person, and every jacked up 4 wheel drive decided to be there at the same time on Saturday afternoon. I just stayed in my car, gripping my steering wheel in hopes of not getting hit.
My best friend described how "literal" her son is...I've never thought about that before. It sums up so many people. It makes so much sense.
Recently, I have met the most egotistical person I have ever met in my life. Every time I talk to him, I often wonder why I am so insecure. I think I'd rather be insecure...
I would love to take a nice vacation with my husband. he sees no reason to due anything but play golf. My ego loves this. I wonder why I'm insecure...
A dear friend of mine started a blog for one of her autistic students. It is one of the most captivating things I have ever read in my life. He's awesome!! He may even be the reason why I had a new desire to write again.
Facebook is a terrible place to socialize. Thoughts cannot be shared without someone unfriending another for having a different opinion. Also, chat should be just that. If you want to proposition someone, go to one of those special rooms. Asking me if I want to have bone jarring sex with you is NOT appropriate. And truthfully, there is a reason why you are single.
I want to go back to being 30 again. I promise I will make it great this time.
About a month ago I had a biopsy done on the nail matrix of my index finger on my right hand. I dread having an ugly fingernail. I dread maybe not having a fingernail on one side. This is Karma for hating my mother's big toenail my whole life. I have it coming...
My friend Heather and I had a discussion about baby strollers the other night. She described how she used to detest anyone with a baby stroller out and about. I told her I shared the same opinion. Nothing like going somewhere with tons of people and industrial size strollers are the obstacle course of the day. Then she said all that changed when she had her first baby. I laughed. Because if I had a baby, I know I'd be the same way. Even tonight when I went for my walk, I saw a woman loading her stroller. My exact thought was, "how much freakin crap do you need to take a walk?" Then I thought of Heather.
I've seen so many teenagers driving nicer cars than me. Really? Really.
I think I'd better stop here. I might be up all night.
I hope to be back soon. If I am, I may even change the name of my blog. Maybe to protect the innocent...
Monday, February 13, 2012
I've never been a huge goal setter. Maybe that is a problem. Maybe it's not. I have no concept of time and maybe that's the real problem. However, approximately one year ago I set a simple goal. So far it has worked. And, not always intentionally. Everyday I strive to learn something new. It may not be mind blowing or life changing, but it keeps things interesting for me. What I have found is this, my mind is open for differences, my opinions are not quite as judgemental and I kinda think I'm happier. Not sure if this makes sense. But it's interesting. I deplore boredom. Give me something to think about and even act upon. It keeps me going.
So, what have you learned today?
So, what have you learned today?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Everyone's Got Jokes
Since my promotion last summer, I have been settling in a little more and getting used to my new job. Along with that comes new people to work with, even though I have known them for several years, I've gotten to know them better. Their senses of humor is probably the most important characteristic. So, that leads me to what happened this morning.
Routinely I attend morning meetings at 8am. They can last anywhere from 15 minutes to over an hour. So this morning once we were cleared to leave, I hit the door and headed to my office. My secretary Susie, was headed out the door just as I was going in. I do not find this unusual as we do a lot of running to and fro at times. The Fire and Safety Office was in the office and said a quick hello and then he was gone.
Then I walked into my office which is through another door in front of Susie's desk. And I saw it. Immediately confused because I am not a coffee drinker and could not recall anyone drinking any coffee in my office before I went to my meeting. I looked at this in amazement. A grotesque kind of amazement because I don't do coffee...this looked more like a caramel, hazelnut lighter concoction of something I did not really care to see. I approached my desk and I believe I even said, "OH NO" thinking this coffee had ruined my desk calendar. Immediately but yet in slow motion, I began to think frantically how I need to clean this. I could hear voices in the background, but couldn't honestly tell you who...
Then I wanted to yell, "David spilled his coffee all over my desk!!!!!!!!!!!" But I didn't. I had the weirdest feeling about this strange looking coffee on my desk. It was almost like being sucked into a coffee vacuum in space. I couldn't figure it out. It was just weird. Then I touched it. It was totally fake. This is the man I wanted to blame:
This is David. I just knew he was the culprit of spilling the coffee. But would you look at this? I mean really. Who would have thought. I picked it up and had to laugh. I knew it was still David. It was a great way to start my morning. It wasn't David. He was just an accomplice. David is always an accomplice. Why didn't I think of that???
Monday, January 9, 2012
A Beautiful Night Slipping Away
I met a wonderful lady several years ago after begging her, over the phone, to come speak to a class of offenders for me. Her name is Debbie. Unfortunately I do not get to visit with her anymore, we both have different jobs, but thankfully, Facebook lets us check in on occasion. One thing I have learned about Debbie is that she is an amazing photographer with the perfect subject. She lives on Holiday Acres not too far from my home town. There is nothing I want more than living on or close to the water. Debbie provides me with the opportunity to live vicariously through her. When she posted this picture on Facebook last night I knew I had to post it. A full moon, a beautiful night slipping away and this amazing reflection on the water. Delicious...
Thank you Debbie for allowing me to "borrow" your amazing gift!!
Thank you Debbie for allowing me to "borrow" your amazing gift!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year!
December 31, 2011...just yesterday seems like December 1st. I have no concept of time anymore at all. 2011 was definitely a year of change and growth. Some things I wish I could do over...better...and some things I just wish I could do over to enjoy again. New Year's Resolutions usually do not work for me. So this year I have just a few things on my "to do" list that I truly want to make work. I wish 2012 is a prosperous year for you and yours...Lisa
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Annual Carolers Photo
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Here's a Winner!
This is one of my favorite pictures from 2011. My Hubby, in the Mizzou shirt, and his teammates won a golf tourney. Hubby is happiest in his element of golf.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Wave Your Hands in the Air...
Wave Your Hands in the Air Like You Just Don't Care
Kenny Scruffs and hubby look like they are dancing and having a great time at Club Pogue. Kenny is standing on the couch performing his latest trick. Begging. He loves to beg.
I snapped another one shortly after the first. This time he sat down. All hubby has to do is lift his arms and Kenny assumes the begging position. After I took this, I was showing hubby the shot in the camera. We giggled about it and all the while Kenny begged. Gotta loves my guys!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Living Windows 2011
Living Windows 2011 took a full swing last Thursday evening. The weather was beautiful. Not really warm, but definitely not cold. This was such a change compared to the past few years we've attended.
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