Dearest Annie,
I will never forget that day I called your future daddy telling him I saw you at Wal-Mart and asked if it would be a good idea to bring you home. Both of us fell in love the minute we held you in our arms. You were such a meek, quiet little puppy who loved to run as fast as your little legs could go. It didn't take long for you to get used to Big Boy Frankie and his monstrous stride. How you loved to run and play together. When we got Kia you tried so hard not to be jealous. But that little female venom got the best of you at times. You learned to love her sharing car rides and walks. Jumping in the lake and swimming to my raft so you could be by my side still tickles me. I've never seen a little do swim so far just to share a raft and soak up the sun. My biggest regret was not letting you be a mommy. You were such a caregiver and had a big concern for others. You understood grief, happiness and wanted to console those emotions for us. Even today on the way to the vet, I tried so very hard not to shed a tear on the way there. And, what did you do? You crawled to me to tell me you loved me with those big chocolate eyes. Annie, you've seen me through so many ups and downs over the past 7 years I cannot thank you enough for being there. You have always made me happy. (Minus the time you ran your little tail onto Sunset in front a huge Ford pickup, just missing you by inches. But I quickly forgave you for scaring me.) My biggest memory was the night I took you to Grandma and Grandpa's. You sat between me and mom almost hidden from view. Dad walked in and was so surprised to see you. I'll never forget what he said when you sat on his lap. Those words rang in my ears everyday, especially since he passed away. He said, "Annie, you are going to be such a joy." That my dearest Annie has echoed for you each day of your life. You have been such a joy. I love you my little friend. A spot in my heart has Annie emblazoned forever.
Your Mama
So beautiful.
It always grieves me when someone loses a beloved pet. I am so sorry. Have you heard of the book Dog Heaven, by Cynthia Rylandt? It is wonderful for dog lovers who have lost one.
Oh Lisa, I am so very sorry about Annie. Our Monty was a "Walmart dog" too and he left us much too soon. It's raining tonight, but tomorrow night we'll have a group howl for Annie and Monty and Bentley will meet her at the bridge to show her around.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties
AWESOME! That means the world to me!!
My heart hurts for you.
Love you!
Aunt Paula
Awwwww....what a sweet sweet post!
Oh, I'm so sorry, dear. The pain of losing a beloved family member like this is so tough. Know that I'm thinking of you and keeping you - and Annie - in my thoughts and prayers. What a little beauty she was!
Wow, I have tears in my eyes reading your letter to your sweet little Annie. We lost our little Pom, Tootie, back in July, and it still hurts to this day. She was such a little lovable thing and our home has never been the same without her, so when I tell you that I feel your pain, it's true.
We are so blesesd with our little Furbabies, and I will be thinking of you as you go through this time of missing your little Annie.
Sending you ((hugs))) -Ashley
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