Today marked one of those new beginnings for a great co-worker, employee and most of all, friend. This is Ralph. He's the best. I've worked with Ralph since 2000, really before that, but we didn't know each other very well then. He's worked for the department for over 17 years. He's a United States Veteran and proud of it. You can see his cake. It reads, "Ralph's Finally Hittin' the Bricks Best Wishes on Your New Horizons" and to you dear friend I hope you have some wonderful new horizons. You deserve them.
I'd like to tell you a little bit about Ralph. He's very private. (I did get his permission to do this blog segment. He just wanted to know if he had to read it. I told him "no". But I do have permission in case you are wondering.) He refers to his family as just that, family. Sometimes we'll hear about the son, the daughter, the son-in-law or the daughter-in-law, the grandkid, I think you get the picture. Heather (another co-worker) and I thought maybe this was a weird cult thing. Maybe Ralph just didn't name his kids. And maybe they found spouses without names too. It was just too ironic. Anyway, Ralph is private, friendly, onery, I mean ONERY, and a complete class act. A God given class act. I haven't met too many of these in my 39 years. Or maybe I just didn't adore them like Ralph. You see he's from the old school. He knows when to speak his mind, when he does this, he's kind. He's kind, he's fair and the thing I like most about Ralph, he's honest and has a GREAT sense of humor. We have to have one in the setting we work in otherwise we wouldn't look as good as Ralph does when we retire. Ralph has this dancing twinkle in his eyes that I am going to miss. It's that kind thing I told you about earlier. He's kind, but his mind will be reeling with all that oneriness that I told you about too. He's just too kind to let that sneak out sometimes, but sometimes he can't resist. He's all about family, loyalty and good times. Good times because you only live once and loyalty to know the Good Lord up above is watching those good times. Isn't that right Ralph? Oh, I forgot, you won't be reading this. I should go on...Ralph is leaving the department on a good note. That's the time to leave. He's healthy, vibrant and has a wonderful family to spend those good times. He says he's headed to the mountains on his motorcycle this summer. Heather and I wonder, is he really going by himself? Remember he's private. He may not share "those things" with these two girls, but that's okay, that's Ralph. And I might add, we really do believe him. We wish Ralph the best. We really do adore Ralph. He has endured a lot with us. Marriage, births of babies, death and divorce and ultimately the best of friendships. Oh, I need to add, some pretty darn good jokes too! This was a bittersweet day. That's the best I can describe it. We are happy to see him happy. We are sad not to see him as we once did. Best wishes, you deserve the very best of beautiful new horizons. Goodbye dear friend, we'll miss you...
I threw in this picture for Ralph IN CASE he reads this. This landmark greets us "hello" every morning and "goodnight" every evening. Ralph will have many new landmarks on his horizons, but this one shall be imprinted forever somewhere in the folds of his heart.