Monday, January 9, 2012

A Beautiful Night Slipping Away

I met a wonderful lady several years ago after begging her, over the phone, to come speak to a class of offenders for me.   Her name is Debbie.  Unfortunately I do not get to visit with her anymore, we both have different jobs, but thankfully, Facebook lets us check in on occasion.  One thing I have learned about Debbie is that she is an amazing photographer with the perfect subject.  She lives on Holiday Acres not too far from my home town.  There is nothing I want more than living on or close to the water.  Debbie provides me with the opportunity to live vicariously through her.  When she posted this picture on Facebook last night I knew I had to post it.  A full moon, a beautiful night slipping away and this amazing reflection on the water.  Delicious...

Thank you Debbie for allowing me to "borrow" your amazing gift!!


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Have missed reading your blog....Hope all is well

Lisa Pogue said...

Thank you Teresa, you've motivated me.

SnowWright said...

Beautiful picture. I have not had much luck with moon pictures, it always looks so small with my lens.