Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Remember my post about wanting to paint my dining/kitchen? Bad idea. Really bad idea. I've created a monster that I do not know what to do. So I did what any dumb person would do, call a painter. Bad idea. The only thing he didn't do was call me fat and ugly. He may as well have. That's exactly how I feel. For the past two days I feel like I'm in a funk of not being able to do anything right. Then comes this. I cannot afford to pay for the mess I've made to be fixed. THEN on top of all that, hubby announces, after the painter leaves, "I didn't understand why you were doing all that anyway". THEN he went on to explain why he thought so. You know he's so smart about EVERYTHING but he doesn't like to share this. I guess because he doesn't want to show me up everyday.

I love people, who after the fact, know everything there is to know about the situation. They make my funny face turn upside down. Then, knowing how bad I felt, he used the word I hate the most. WE. Yes, WE. I hate the WE word. "We'll take care of this, don't be upset." hmmm...My old endocronologist used this word a lot and I always wanted to spit in his face when it came out of his mouth. WE is just too confusing. When someone says the word WE, I accept it as you and me. Rarely is that what the speaker actually intends. I had to give hubby one point for trying. I know it will go no farther than that. However, this time he was actually smart enough to use it in a context that was somewhat appropriate. Only WE means ME. ME will have to find someone else to make ME feel stupid about the mess ME'VE created. ME will have to make phone calls from ME stupid cell phone. ME will have to pay for absolutely everything to make ME kitchen livable again. ME will have to try and repair the mess ME have made, while WE golfs or parks WE arse on the couch.

ME is going to pop the top off my diet code red mt. dew and me is going to pretend it's a strawberry daiquiri. THEN, me is going to grab a bag of peas from the freezer to soothe ME headache. After that, ME will then use the bag of frozen peas to soothe the bottom of my nice soft feet..In Hopes...of Warming them up... on WE arse...

Oh, and on top of all this, Rascal Flats is on Dancing with the Stars. What is wrong with this picture???? I'd rather watch the stars dance to bluegrass...


Brenda Eason said...

Wow, im sorry things turned out this way,but you turned it into a great post. If your this funny when your upset I know you would be a ball to hang with. missed you,Brenda

Becky K. said...

Oh dear...Maybe "we" included me since I kind of encouraged this project. Wish I could help you out...

What's the problem?

Justabeachkat said...

I know it's not a laughing matter, but WE sure wrote a good post that made ME chuckle. Hang in there sweet friend.


tam said...

WoW tough times kiddo! Well I wish we lived closer to each other because I would drop over and bet that "we" could fix the problem together! Don't let any "guy" get you too upset-they just like to talk that way when "they" can't do the job-my opinion anyhow! Hang in there sister it will all work out just fine. Take some photos and post maybe "us" blogging buddies can come up with some ideas to help? And hey did you ever get my info regarding facebook? Smile Girl! ~Tam :D

Pam B said...

Oh Lisa, so sorry about the kitchen. Tam's right...too bad we couldn't have a painting party...wouldn't that be fun? Smile, girlfriend, you'll work it out.

And I like the idea about the peas...LOL

Terri Steffes said...

I cannot imagine what you could have done that can't be fixed... truly. There are a lot of experts out here.. don't hire that mean ole painter yet... let's brainstorm... notice how I said "let's" instead of "we".

Domestic Designer said...

Wow! I am sorry you are having such a rough time. Like everyone else said we just need to have a painting party.

Gayla said...

Oh, how sad... I am so sorry you are upset. What has happened? Is it the wallpaper not coming off? It never ever does, but when it does it feels like you never had trouble. What's wrong? Don't ever feel anything but beautiful 'cause you are gorgeous... and go for the cold feet thing.... How about a midnight drive? I'm here;;;;;

Rue said...

What in the world happened Lisa?? It can't be that bad. Maybe WE can help and by that I mean WE as in us bloggers not YOU ;)


CatHerder said...

Anyone Im paying to do ANYTHING had better not get MY knickers in a twist...i would have ejected him on the spot! Dont feel bad..our kitchen has this AWFUL BATHROOM tile in odd spots in the kitchen..our contractor said it would be a mess to remove it..so i thought maybe we could cover it with the antique tin sections...i did a little research and bought the plastic one that looks like tin, and adhesive today....uh not gonna work...and hubby didnt say "we"...he said "i told you so"....ugh...have that daquiri!

akawest said...

Me have been there, too! I probably could have written your post. Isn't that sad? I have a horrible headache today, so I shouldn't be commenting on blogs, 'cause I am even more mixed up than usual.

I will send some silly virtual hugs, as if they fix anything. Hey, that is all I can offer. Like the others, if I could be there, I would help paint. My skills suck, but I would try.

Susie Q said...

Oh sweetie...I KNOW how you feel. Really I DO. I have been in this postion! Your post was wonderful though...yo have a way of seeing the funny side of things. It is hard to I know. I so wish I could just hire a crew to come in and paint and change so much...but we can't and that is that. I have done things that I hate and should never have started in the first place. *sigh*

It will all work out eventually...I promise!
