Mom and I ventured out today a little unsure where we were headed. We've been wanting to go to Weston for quite some time, and today was the day. Perfect weather made for a relaxing stroll throughout town. I must say, Weston is a beautiful little town that I would seriously consider moving to. If I hit the lottery, it very well may be my next summer home. The town was clean, pretty and the homes were fantastic. From the picture above I think you can tell it looks like an All-
American town.

As soon as we parked our car and turned around, there was this beautiful home. A little big for me, but absolutely beautiful. Yellow is one of my favorite colors for houses. And it fit this one perfectly.

Mom liked this brick one. I chose the white one beside it. Maybe some day we can be neighbors.

The little shops were eclectic and fun. This one had a fantastic window display.

Oh, of course this beautiful town had my favorite dog breed. He didn't seem to like me as he barked when I took his picture. I think he preferred to drive.

Just like
Mayberry U.S.A. there must be a police department.

A local Kansas City Artist made these witches. The gourd on the left was actually grown in her garden. I would love to have bought one of these for my friend Gayla at Oatmeal and Whimsy. When I win the lottery...

This candle shop was fantastic. Many, many
fragrances including
Tighty Whities (which believe it or not smelled amazing), Big Girl Panties (yes, amazing too), Candy Corn,
Witchy Woman and my
fav Pumpkin Spice.

This chalkboard made me feel like I was sitting in the front pew at church.

A very lovely church, something I think brings such peace to any community.

The parsonage.

Weston had many Bed and Breakfasts and pubs. A very entertaining community.

This is one of my favorite views as we were walking back to our car. I think another visit is in the near future.
Thanks for the great pics. I tweeted the quote from the chalkboard. So much truth.
Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life...
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