This war makes my heart heavier than anything. I've been in Jeff City since yesterday afternoon and came home this evening to find out a hometown boy was killed in a helicopter crash yesterday in Afghanistan. Adam Smith served the Navy Seals with such honor and dedication, making the ultimate sacrifice for a country he loved. God Bless his mom Michele Jorgensen and father Eric Smith and the numerous other family and friends that were blessed to know him.
I will always remember him as a little blonde crumb cruncher with the cutest little grin. His mom is a sweetheart and step-cousin, so to speak, to me. May Jesus wrap his arms around her and carry her through this terribly tragic time. You are in my thoughts and prayers...
I saw Gayla posted about this tragedy as well. I am so sorry for all of you who will miss this brave young man.
Becky K.
There really are no words adequate to express our sorrow. A brave, young person in the prime of his life has been taken to soon from those who love him ............
You have posted a lovely tribute!
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of this young man. He sounds like a wonderful person. I will pray for his family and we must always remember to pray for all servicemen/women and their families. They all sacrifice so much for us.
Come visit me.
So sad that we have lost another hero.
Lisa I was so sad to hear of this young man's death. This is the ultimate sacrifice.
So sorry for your loss..i am truly proud and thankful of our troops!
Thank you all for your kind comments. Adam was my friend and Teammate. He and I went through training together and ended up at the same team. I can't explain how much he will be missed. He'll always be a brother.
Thank you anonymous for sharing your thoughts. There is no doubt in my mind that you were both blessed for having known one another!
So sad and so unneccesary...a real tragedy for this young mans family...
I didn't know this young man nor do I know his family. But as a Marine Combat Vet in the Viet Nam War, It would have been my Honor to have know them. I ask God to give HIS FAMILY, HIS FRIENDS AND THE OTHER IN HIS UNIT the strenth to cope with their lost.
A burial Flag has 13 folds, & it not to symbolize the org. 13 colonies. The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks, going to the 9th fold which is a tribute to womanhood, & the mother for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty ,& devotion that the charactor of the men & women who made this country great has been molded. The 10th fold is a tribute to the father,for he,toohas given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.The final fold, when the star are uppermost reminding us of our motto"IN GOD WE TRUST"
The PATRIOT GUARD, thank you so much for what you do, Like the folding of the flag, what you are doing has a very deep meaning
Thank you
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