Nothing catches my attention more than a sexy bald man with a sparkling smile and twinkling eyes. Kenny Chesney equates eye candy and great music. Just recently I've started listening to country music again after making a long road trip with a co-worker. He quickly turned the station after taking over the wheel. But I did learn one thing on that trip. Country music is quite profound. So is Kenny Chesney. You get the point...
August 29th debuted his video "Boys of Fall". I had previously heard the song but it really didn't do much for me until I watched the video. Then I cried. this song sparks the memories of so many people who live for a sport they love passionately. Fans who yearn to be young again to live the moments of Friday nites...
Thank you Kenny for a wonderful song.
Love this song too! :)
Come say hi....
love love love it...and my bald man too lol
What a great tribute to all the football players and their teams. My grandson plays and we are totally immersed in football right now. I loved the video, thanks for sharing it. I also love Kenny Chesney, he has the best voice!
Oh, Kenny is amazing! Love him. Love this song. Actually, love all of his songs.
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