Thursday, July 7, 2011

Running Like a Well Oiled Machine - Sorta

I've had many trials and tribulations this year. Approximately one year ago I made it my goal to make some life changing decisions. Unfortunately one of them I did not follow through and have regretted it ever since. This past year hasn't been easy. Full of ups and downs and lots of heart ache. But I tread on. Some times you just have to thank God for unanswered prayers...and hopefully I will be thanking him for that very soon. However, that gloomy feeling continues to lull over my head like it did last fall. It's funny how our lives turn out.

So, I have decided to work a little harder on my bucket list. The goals and things that I like to do that make me happy. Having been able to already cross a few of those items off of my list already, I must say I'm really looking forward to one in the very near future. A Kenny Chesney concert in Kansas City at Arrowhead Stadium. My best friend is going with me and we are making a weekend out of it. We have fantastic seats so I'm hoping for a great view of one of my favorite singers of all time. I have loved Kenny for many, many years. I warned Erica earlier this week that she should not report back to friends and family if I bawl my head off once Kenny hits the stage. She laughed. Hopefully she will continue laughing and will not be horrified when it happens.

Having something to look forward to is a necessity for me. It gives me drive and encourages my zest for life. Kenny Chesney is a huge mark off my list. However, it's those small things that keep life interesting. Like weekends with friends and family. A phone call. A text. A small town fair. A thank you. A big hello. And most of all, an I love you.

1 comment:

Gayla said...

Such a great post! Thanks for visiting Oatmeal and whimsy... and yeah, those dishes could have been yours... haha... Love you...